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A carved oak table, tells a tale Of times when kings and queens sipped wine from goblets gold And the brave would lead their ladies from out of the room To arbor's coolA time of valor and legends born A time when honor meant much more to a man than life And the days knew only strife to tell right from wrong Through lance and swordWhy, why can we never be sure till we die Or have killed for an answer Why, why do we suffer each race to believe That no race has been grander It seems because through time and space Though names may change each face retains the mask it woreA dusty table, musty smells Tarnished silver lies discarded upon the floor Only feeble light descends through a film of Grey That scars the panesGone the carving and those who left their mark Gone the kings and queens now only the rats hold sway And the weak must die according to nature's law As old as theyWhy, why can we never be sure till we die Or have killed for an answer Why, why do we suffer each race to believe That no race has been grander It seems because through time and space Though names may change each face retains the mask it wore
Foxtrot — четвёртый студийный альбом британской прогрок-группы Genesis, выпущенный в 6 октября 1972 года. Этот альбом стал вторым альбомом группы, записанный ею в так называемом «классическом составе» (Бэнкс, Гэбриэл, Коллинз, Резерфорд и Хэкетт). В ноябре 2008 года альбом был переиздан формате Super Audio CD.
Слова и музыка всех песен Тони Бэнкс, Питер Гэбриэл, Фил Коллинз, Майк Резерфорд и Стив Хэкетт.
Первая сторона
№ Название Длительность
1. «Watcher of the Skies» 7:23
2. «Time Table» 4:45
3. «Get 'Em Out by Friday» 8:36
4. «Can-Utility and the Coastliners» 5:44
Вторая сторона
№ Название Длительность
1. «Horizons» 1:41
2. «Supper's Ready»
* I. "Lover's Leap"
* II. "The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man"
* III. "Ikhnaton and Itsacon and Their Band of Merry Men"
* IV. "How Dare I Be So Beautiful?" 22:58
* V. "Willow Farm"
* VI. "Apocalypse in 9/8 (Co-Starring the Delicious Talents of Gabble Ratchet)"
* VII. "As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)»